Chapter Eleven - The Judgments of God
Many people seem to think that some day there will be a general judgment - that everybody will have to stand before the tribunal of God and be judged at the same time. This is, of course, not the case. The Bible teaches that there are several divine judgments. The careful student of the Scriptures must learn to distinguish between these judgments and to see them all in their proper setting and sequence.
It is conceivable that God might ignore or minimize sin. Why does He do neither? For several important reasons.
2.1 The Love of God
Our heavenly Father is tender, compassionate and kind (Ephesians 2:4, 7). He "is love" (1 John 4:8). His heart beats in mercy toward His errant children. But the God is more than love. To forget His other characteristics is to become sentimental and irrational.
2.2 The Justice of God
He is "the Judge of all the earth" (Genesis 18:25). He is completely righteous and will not tolerate iniquity. He will have no traffic with sin. He will repudiate and condemn it.
2.3 The Heinousness of Sin
Disobedience of, or failure to live up to, the law of God is not to be lightly overlooked. It is an open defiance of the divine will. It is rebellion against the Lord - a substitution of human desires for God's perfect purposes. It deserves and inevitably receives a visitation of wrath. Meditate upon the awesome words of Romans 1:18.
2.4 The Universality of Sin
All men are both by nature and in conduct sinners (Romans 3:9, 23). There are no exceptions to the rule. All may therefore expect judgment.
Read Romans 2:1-16 carefully. It is a plain statement of the manner in which God deals with transgressors. The judgment which He metes out will be:
3.1 Absolutely Fair and Just
It is "according to truth" (Romans 2:2). "God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
3.2 Universal
Every man will be judged (Romans 2:6).
3.3 Proportionate
Decision will be made in the light of a person's deeds (Romans 2:6).
3.4 Impartial
God has no "respect of persons." He cannot be bribed or influenced by a man's title or possessions (Romans 2:11).
3.5 Discerning
Even the secrets of men, concealed in the innermost recesses of thought or practiced in the dark, must be revealed and judged (Romans 2:16).
On the cross the Lord Jesus "bare our sins in his own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24). He "was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities...(Isaiah 53:5). The sins of believers were forever judged at Golgotha.
The demands of both divine justice and divine love were met. Justice: the sins of men received their just deserts when death was inflicted on the cross. Love: this was wondrously manifested in that the death fell, not on human transgressors, but on the dearly beloved Son of God.
4.1 The Scope of This Judgment
All sins of believers - past, present and future - were borne by Christ (Acts 13:39). Their sins - past, present and future - were on the shoulders of the eternal Son of God when He offered Himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. Hence the forgiveness He procured is perfect and complete.
4.2 The Finality of This Judgment
It was once for all (Hebrews 10:10, 12, 14). Man must not seek to add to it or to subtract from it. When the Saviour cried out upon the cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30), He meant, not only that His life's blood was ebbing out in death, but also that His atoning, redemptive death was a final, definitive oblation never to be repeated.
4.3 The Efficacy of This Judgment
It is the basis of our forgiveness, justification, eternal life and entrance into heaven (Ephesians 1:7; Romans 5:9; John 5:24; Romans 8:1).
4.4 The Appropriation of Its Benefits
Faith in Jesus Christ as one's Saviour is the golden key (Romans 3:26, 28). The moment one genuinely, sincerely and wholeheartedly receives the Son of God as his Redeemer, he may know that his sins have been forgiven for Jesus' sake. He is no longer under condemnation. He is saved and safe forever. Study Romans 5:9; Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Hebrews 1:3; 9:26.
At Calvary the matter of the believer's entrance into heaven was settled once for all. At the judgment seat of Christ the question of his rewards in heaven will be decided.
5.1 The Time
At the Lord Jesus' coming for His saints, this judgment will take place. The risen Christ said, "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me..." (Revelation 22:12). Christians will be "recompensed at the resurrection of the just" (Luke 14:14). Paul expected his crown of righteousness when "the righteous judge" would give it to him "at that day" (2 Timothy 4:8).
5.2 The Participants
All true believers through the years will appear before this judgment seat. It is only reasonable that, in view of the different types and length of service rendered by Christians while on earth, there should be a variety of rewards. For every child of God there will be "reward" or "loss" (1 Corinthians 3:14, 15), although he himself as a believer will be saved (1 Corinthians 3:15).
5.3 The Criterion
Works which they have done to the glory of God will determine their rewards. Study Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10. The "we" in these verses refers only to the saints. God's people are not saved by works but by faith in Christ. But they are saved "unto good works" (Ephesians 2:10), on the basis of which their rewards will be meted out.
5.4 The Rewards
Read 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. Only one foundation exists (3:11), Jesus Christ. Those who build upon Him wood, hay or stubble (3:12) may expect their deeds to be of little value; but those who build gold, silver and precious stones (3:12) will have a greater reward.
5.5 The Challenge
The expectation of rewards should move us to greater zeal in Christian service, stewardship and testimony. Study Mattew 5:12; 6:1; 10:41, 42; 1 Corinthians 3:8, 14; Colossians 2:18; 3:24; Hebrews 11:26; 2 John 8; Revelation 11:18.
6.1 The Time
Read Matthew 25:31-46. When Christ returns to earth after the great tribulation in his glory (Matthew 25:31), the nations of earth will be judged (Matthew 13:40, 41).
6.2 The Place
The nations will be gathered and brought down into the valley of Jehoshaphat for judgment (Joel 3:2, 12). Some have identified this spot as the valley of the Kidron, on the east of Jerusalem. But such an identification is mere conjecture.
6.3 The Test
They will be rewarded or punished in accordance with their treatment of Jesus' "brethren," the Jewish remnant who receive Jesus as their Messiah during the great tribulation (Matthew 25:31, 32, 40, 45; Joel 3:3, 6, 7).
7.1 The Time
It will occur after Christ's thousand-year reign on earth after the loosing and doom of Satan (Revelation 20:1-15).
7.2 The People Judged
Note that "death and hell" (i.e. Hades) will give up dead which are in them in order that they might stand in judgment before God (Revelation 20:13). This refers to unbelievers. How do we know this? For at least two reasons:
The sins and works of believers will have been judged long before this - their sins at Calvary; their works at the judgment seat of Christ.
When a believer dies today, his spirit goes at once to heaven to be with Christ (2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23). Only the spirits of departed unbelievers await in Hades until the great white throne is set up.
7.3 The Verdict
All who stand before this throne will be found guilty. There will be no exceptions. And all will be eternally separated from God.