Chapter Eleven - Proverbs - The Fear of the LORD


As a result of this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. explain the purpose of the book of Proverbs; and
  2. identify some of the basic principles in Proverbs.

This chapter is divided into the following five major parts:

  1. introduction;
  2. prominent subjects;
  3. personalities in the book; and
  4. principles of the book.



The book of Proverbs is the second of three Bible books designated as "Wisdom Literature," the other two being Job and Ecclesiastes. It is a discussion of the life of wisdom. Wisdom begins when God is treated with proper respect and given His proper place. The life of wisdom cannot be divorced from the God who is all-wise. The basic truth constantly affirmed in Proverbs is expressed in the famous statement, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (1:7 and 15:33).

1.1 Name

The common title of the book is "Proverbs," from the opening phrase "The proverbs of Solomon" in 1:1. The Hebrew word for "proverb," mashal, comes from a root meaning "to be like," or "to represent." This is very appropriate, since most proverbs use "comparison" to teach their truths. (An example: "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down. and without walls" 25:28, KJV.) Proverbs are terse maxims about conduct and character, primarily in the realms of the spiritual, moral, and social.

1.2 Authors

Most of the biblical proverbs originated with Solomon, son of David (Read 1:1; 10:1; and 25:1, which are the opening verses of the three largest sections of the book.) Chapters 30 and 31 are assigned to Agur and Lemuel, respectively, whose identities are known. The section 22:17-24:34 is attributed to "the wise men" (see 22:17; cf. 24:23). Read 1 Kings 4:31 for a reference to such a class of men. If the wise men of Proverbs 22:17 lived before Solomon's time, Solomon may have been the one to assemble their writings and add them to his own. The proverbs of chapters 25-29 were written by Solomon and edited about two hundred years later by a committee appointed by King Hezekiah (c. 700 B.C.). Some think that this group called "men of Hezekiah" (25:1) may have included Isaiah and Micah, who were contemporaries of Hezekiah.

Solomon is the author of three books of the Bible. John Phillips has suggested this possibility of the books being written at different stages of his career:

  1. Song of Solomon - written when he was young, and in love

  2. Proverbs - written during middle age, when his intellectual powers were at their peak

  3. Ecclesiastes - written in old age, when he was disappointed and disillusioned with the carnality of much of his life

1.3 Date of the Composition

As noted above, most of Proverbs was written by Solomon. This would date his work around 950-900 B.C.. Hezekiah's collection was formed around 700 B.C. It is reasonable to conclude that the various groups of proverbs were brought together as one book around that date, namely 700 B.C.. See below chart for illustration:

(Source: Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament, Chicago: Moody Press, 1978 Edition, p. 286, by Irving L. Jensen)

Dates of Solomon's Writings

It has been assumed by certain liberal theologians that the book of Proverbs originated in the intertestamental period. Since in this period (around 350 B.C.) it was popular to attribute religious works to some well-known figure in Israel, Solomon was chosen as the originator of Proverbs. Thus, even though Solomon may have had nothing to do with it, the book would gain wider acceptance among the Jews because of its association with a great person.

The content of the book does not support the above theory because it is more consistent with the world of early Israel than with the world of post-exilic Israel. Although certain parts of the book were composed after the time of Solomon (cf. 25:1; 30:1; 31:1), many of the chapters are the work of Solomon himself. The book as a whole was edited later than Solomon's day.

1.4 Divisions of the Proverbs

Owing to the nature of a proverb, the major divisions of the book of Proverbs do not fall into a neat outline. The first nine chapters are presented as a series of talks between a father and a son. They center around the general theme of wisdom versus folly. This is a preparation for the individual proverbs that follow, starting with chapter 10. Chapters 30-31 constitute an appendix to the book. Due to the nature of the book we will study its content thematically rather than analytically. See below chart for illustration:

(Source: Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament, Chicago: Moody Press, 1978 Edition, p. 293, by Irving L. Jensen)

Divisions of the Book of Proverbs

1.5 The Place of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible

In the English canon, Proverbs is the third of the five poetical books. In the Hebrew canon, it is the second of eleven books in the final section called "Writings." In both canons it follows Psalms. Below table shows comparisons of Proverb's message with that of other Old Testament books.

(Source: Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament, Chicago: Moody Press, 1978 Edition, p. 287, by Irving L. Jensen)

Proverbs Compared with Other Old Testament Books

Books of the Law revelation and guidance manual of history and legislation
Books of the Prophets authority message for today and tomorrow
Job questionings and reasonings answers from God and man
Psalms worship handbook of devotion
Proverbs observation and reflection guide to practical living

Divisions of the Book of Proverbs

The New Testament writers quote and allude to Proverbs several times. Read the references listed below.


3:7 Romans 12:16
25:21-22 Romans 12:20
3:34 James 4:6
24:21 1 Peter 2:17
16:7 1 Peter 3:13
11:31 1 Peter 4:18
26:11 2 Peter 2:22
3:11-12 Hebrews 12:5-6
4:26 Hebrews 12:13
10:12 1 Peter 4:8
22:9 2 Corinthians 9:7
25:6-7 Luke 14:10

The epistle of James is one book of the New Testament which concentrates on the conduct of believers, Just as Proverbs does in the Old Testament. In fact, James is sometimes referred to as Proverbs of the New Testament.

The relation of Proverbs to Christ is deeper than appears on the surface. Some see Christ foreshadowed in such explicit passages as 8:22-31; 23:11 and 30:4. A foundational connection is that the wisdom spoken of in Proverbs is found completely in Christ (1 Corinthians 30). "The aspiration in Proverbs is for wisdom to become incarnate (Proverbs 8), as indeed it did when 'all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge' became flesh in Christ (Colossians 2:3)." The "wise" man of Proverbs is the righteous man. And no man is righteous except as he is clothed with the righteousness of Christ. So the truly wise man today is the born-again Christian.

1.6 The Nature of a Proverb

A proverb is universal. It is not composed against the background of a specific historical or personal situation, but is a general saying designed to apply to many different instances. In this connection, it is significant that the term "Israel" never occurs in the book.

The proverbs are also comprehensive. We will see that the subject matter of the proverbs covers all areas of life. But each proverb does not apply to every situation. Like any general rule or maxim, a proverb holds true for certain designated circumstances requisite to the situation in view (cf. Proverbs 16:7, for example).

1.7 Purposes

The first seven verses of the book set forth its overall purpose. Verse 7 gives the basis of the whole book: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge." The word "fear" in this case carries with it the concept of reverential trust or awe. The word does not connote the idea of terror, as it does in current usage. Also, the term "wisdom" must be clearly understood. Wisdom is more than an accumulation of facts. It entails a grasp of the basic issues of life. It includes the ability to apply principles which one has learned to any given situation. A good illustration of this is seen in the life of Solomon. In the third chapter of 1 Kings, God grants Solomon's request for wisdom. In the same chapter this wisdom is illustrated in a decision Solomon makes. He is forced to decide between two claimers concerning the custody of a child. By threatening to kill the child, Solomon ascertains the identity of the real mother. This story demonstrates the nature of genuine wisdom, since Solomon knew exactly what to do in a given situation.

When a man learns to fear God, he is able to conduct himself properly in every area of life.



2.1 Solomon

The book of Proverbs is not a narrative about Solomon, but its pages reveal much about this wise man. Solomon was a unique character in many ways; he was:

  1. musician;

  2. poet;

  3. botanist;

  4. zoologist;

  5. businessman;

  6. administrator; and

  7. king.

From 1 Kings 3:12 and 4:29 we learn that his wisdom was a direct gift from God. This was in answer to Solomon's petition (1 Kings 3:5-9). He was the author of 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32). Read 1 Kings 3:16-28; 4:29-34; and 10:1-9, noting other things said about Solomon.

2.2 Personal Ethics

The proverbs are God's detailed instructions and exhortations to His people concerning their thought-and-deed life. Much of the book is addressed especially to young people (e.g., 1:4, 8). The proverbs are mainly about personal ethics, not as the sinner's way to God, but as the believer's walk with God on this earth. Although the book is not intended to elaborate on the way of salvation, such key phrases as "the fear of the LORD" (1:7) tell basically how a sinner is brought into fellowship with God. The counsel of Proverbs is profitable for all
people—saved and unsaved—but the unsaved do not gain salvation by attempting to perform its good deeds (cf. Ephesians 2:8-9).



3.1 The Fool

Several individuals are described in the book of Proverbs. The most prominent is the fool. It is evident from the description that the fool is one who is morally, not mentally, deficient. It is the fool who makes light of sin (14:9), engages in mischief (10:23), and does not listen to godly advice (12;15, 15:5). The fool is the one who lives his life for himself and leaves God out of his thoughts.

3.2 The Sluggard

Closely related to the fool is the sluggard. The sluggard is inherently lazy (6:9-10), and is hinged to his bed (26:14). He has desire, but no real ambition (13:4). Consequently, he is as exasperating as vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes (10:26).

3.3 The Strange Woman

Women are discussed in several places in the book. The "strange" woman is described several times (2:16-19; 5:3ff; 6:23-35; 7:5-27). From the description she is obviously a prostitute. Using flattery, she lures men into her home to their ultimate ruin and death. The reader is constantly admonished to keep God's Word (cf. 6:23). Only thus can he be certain of escaping the snares of the strange woman.

3.4 The Virtuous Woman

In contrast to this there is the portrait of the virtuous woman in 31:10-31. This woman makes the ideal wife. She cares for her husband and he thus has confidence in her (31:11). She is concerned for her household. This is demonstrated by the fact that she works willingly and shops wisely (31:13-14, 16-19). The worthy woman is characterized by wisdom in her speech (31:26). All these admirable traits are products of her relationship to God. She exemplifies the theme of the book of Proverbs; namely, the fear of the LORD (31:30).



Proverbs discusses the wise man in his various relationships. A few of the major ones are mentioned.

4.1 Man's Relationship to God

Since the fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom, many of the proverbs discuss man's relationship to God. This includes the following areas:

  1. Divine guidance (3:5-6; 11:14; 15:22; 16:9). To depend exclusively on one's own understanding may lead to tragic results. These proverbs point out that God gives guidance through godly counselors.

  2. Avoiding sin (6:16ff.). These proverbs catalog seven sins that God especially hates. The wise man will take note and avoid these.

4.2 Man's Relationship to His Nation

God has advice regarding two possible relationships of a man to his nation:

  1. Leaders of the nation. Leaders are chosen and controlled by the sovereign God (8:15-16; 21:1-2). They are to rule with equity (29:4) and are to be especially wary of the snares laid by strong drink and strange women (31:1-9).

  2. The citizenry of the nation. The people who are governed are to remember that God honors righteousness and punishes sin in the nation as a whole (11:11; 14:34).

4.3 Man's Relationship to His Business

Two lines of thought are especially emphasized in relation to everyday business affairs:

  1. Honesty and integrity. These principles are to guide the wise man's dealings. False weights and balances are condemned (11:1; 16:11; 20:10). The businessman who cheats his customers cannot expect the blessing of God.

  2. Caution. In loaning money, the wise man will be especially cautious (6:1-2; 11:15; 17:18; 22:26; 27:13). To loan money with no security is foolishness, not generosity.

4.4 Man's Relationship to His Friends

The author of these proverbs stresses the following truths with regards to friends:

  1. Friendships are valuable. It is important to remember that a man wins friends by being friendly himself (18:24). Friendships can be of great spiritual benefit. The right kind of friend is faithful (18:24), tactful (27:14), and helpful (27:6).

  2. Friendships are vulnerable. People who entice to sin are to be kept away (1:10-19). Some friendships are based on wrong things, such as money (19:4). Like any other good thing, friendships may be mis-used (16:28; 17:9).

4.5 Man's Relationship to His Family

Many of the proverbs speak about family relationships:

  1. A wife. A wife is a gift and blessing from God (18:22). This is true only if she is a good wife, i.e. sensible (19:14), capable (31:10) and a stabilizing influence in the home (14:1). The wrong kind of wife is quarrelsome and nagging (21:19; 25:24; 27:15-16).

  2. Children. It is the responsibility of parents to provide direction for the child (22:6) and also to administer discipline (13:24; 22:15; 23:13-14).

4.6 Man's Relationship to Himself

The book of Proverbs also discusses personal habits. It contains also discusses personal habits. It contains a series of contrasting personality traits which are accompanied by a description in which the virtues or limitations are clearly stated. Some of the more significant ones are:

  1. diligence and laziness (20:13; 24:33-34);

  2. speech and silence (15:1-2; 20:19; 26:20);

  3. pride and humility (15:25; 16:18-19; 21:4);

  4. joy and sorrow (17:22); and

  5. drunkenness and sobriety (23:29-32).



  1. Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament, Chicago: Moody Press, 1978 Edition, by Irving L. Jensen.
  2. Exploring the Scriptures, Chicago: Moody Press, 1981 Paperback Edition, by John Phillips.


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