Chapter Ten - After the Millennium
The Bible leaves us in no doubt as to what will happen after the millennial reign of Christ. "And when the thousand years are expired" (Revelation 20:7), events will move swiftly on to their consummation. The purposes of God will inexorably be fulfilled.
2.1 His Previous Career
As the "anointed cherub" upon the "holy mountain of God" (Ezekiel 28:14), he lifted himself up in rebellious pride against the Almighty (Isaiah 14:12-15) and was ejected from the heaven. The archdeceiver (Revelation 12:9), he led Adam and Eve into sin; and thus humanity was plunged into misery and despair. Throughout the Bible Satan is seen as the opponent of God, leveling his attack first at the human race in general, then at Israel, then at Christ and now at the Church.
2.2 His Imprisonment During the Millennium
Read Revelation 20:1-3. For a thousand years the devil will be shut away from men and therefore unable to deceive them. This will partially explain the fact that Christ's reign on earth will be a time of righteousness, holiness, peace and prosperity. The archenemy of the Lord will be forcibly prevented from interfering with His regime.
2.3 The Time of His Emancipation
He will be loosed at the end of the thousand years (Revelation 20:7). As soon as he attains his freedom, he will once more use his evil powers in an effort to thwart the will of God.
Read Revelation 20:7-9. The heart of the unsaved man is by nature in rebellion against God. But now we behold the last effort of humanity to resist the Almighty.
3.1 The Instigator
Satan himself will deceive men into entertaining the delusive hope that under his leadership they might overthrow the forces of the Lord (Revelation 20:8).
3.2 The Victims of His Deception
Who are the people who will yield to Satan's wiles and join his scheme? The very people who will have enjoyed the blessings of the Saviour's millennial reign, known His presence and shared the prosperity of His kingdom. Probably they will be the ones whom Christ will rule "with a rod of iron" (Revelation 19:15) - potential rebels in the last years of the Lord's beneficent rule.
The words, "Gog and Magog" (Revelation 20:8), appear to be a figurative term for all hostile Gentile nations. The passage in Ezekiel 38 and 39 is premillennial. To quote Walter Scott from his book Exposition of The Revelation: "During the reign of Christ all Israel is saved (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 11:26), and their seed and seed's seed forever (Isaiah 59:20, 21). But not so the Gentiles...Large numbers will be saved, but numerous nations and peoples will render only feigned obedience to the authority of the reigning Monarch on the earth...(Psalm 2:9)...The restraint upon Satan being removed...they yield themselves up to Satan."
3.3 The Warning
The fact that men who have been signally blessed of God so quickly and readily succumb to the devil's appeal should remind us that:
Satan is exceedingly shrewd, therefore we today must constantly be on the alert against his nefarious devices; and
The heart of man is very fickle and susceptible to his evil enticements.
The deadly plot of the devil and his host of followers will be foiled in an unexpected manner.
4.1 The Diabolical Frustration
Read Revelation 20:8. Doubtless the devil will expect his vicious mass attack against the "camp of the saints" and "the beloved city" to end in a dramatic victory. To his amazement there will be no battle at all. Instead, God will intervene in a climactic, cataclysmic way.
4.2 The Consuming Fire
Read Revelation 20:9. The Almighty will not countenance this impudent effort of puny man to dislodge His people. God is Himself "a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29). The devil's troops will feel the full fury of His scorching assault. There will be no clash of arms, but a resounding crash of destructive flames!
Read Revelation 20:10. This tragic but deserved climax to the devil's iniquitous career should be seen against his age-long activities against God.
5.1 His Personal Enmity
Read Genesis 3:15. From the time of Adam, Satan's hostility to the plans and people of God has been incessant. He has certainly been permitted to "bruise" the "heel" of the woman's seed. Believers today feel his steady pressure. He is their adversary. As "a roaring lion" he walks about, "seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
5.2 His Stepped-up Activity
Satan knows full well that some day the Seed of the woman will bruise his head (Genesis 3:15). During the great tribulation he will know "that he hath but a short time" (Revelation 12:12). Even today, as signs of our Lord's early return multiply, he is trying harder than ever to discourage or ensnare or confuse God's children. They in turn should wear their armor incessantly and without fear (Ephesians 6:11, 13-17). The hosts of darkness are arrayed against them (Ephesians 6:12). But God is forever their triumphant Ally.
5.3 His Destiny
The lake of fire and brimstone awaits the devil (Revelation 20:10). In that place of terror and pain he will be forever in torment. His days of blasphemous infidelity and iniquity ended, he will pay the penalty of his wicked desires and deeds throughout eternity.
Read Revelation 20:11-15. Remember that the judgment of the sins of believers took place on Calvary. This last dread judgment, the judgment of the great white throne, relates to unbelievers.
6.1 The Judge
The One who will preside at this ultimate bar of justice is God Himself, in His ineffable holiness and unrivaled majesty (Revelation 20:11).
6.2 The Opening of the Books
This is a very solemn scene (Revelation 20:12).
6.2.1 The Book of Records
This document is produced first for two reasons: to indicate that the works of unbelievers condemn them; and to determine the degree of punishment their deeds merit (see Luke 12:47, 48, where a difference in the number of punitive "stripes" is mentioned).
6.2.2 The Book of Life
Read Luke 10:20. This is "the book of life of the Lamb slain..." (Revelation 13:8). The only way to have one's name forever inscribed in it is to trust as Saviour "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). When the book is opened before God the Judge, the names of unbelievers will be found missing. They will have rejected the Lamb!
6.2.3 The Verdict
Revelation 20:14, 15. All who stand before the great white throne will be pronounced guilty and consigned to "the lake of fire." They will have died once previously. This is "the second death" (20:14), which will eternally separate them from God (compare Revelation 2:11).
7.1 The Original Creation
God brought the heaven and earth into being to be the scene of His dealings with men (Genesis 1:1).
7.2 The Pronouncement of the Curse
Human disobedience resulted in the placing of a curse upon nature (Genesis 3:17, 18). During the millennium the curse will be removed. But when the thousand years are ended and the events described above have taken place, the heavens and the earth will pass away (Revelation 21:1).
7.3 Predictions of a Cataclysmic Event
"The heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed." So sang the psalmist (102:25, 26; compare Hebrews 1:10-12). "The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment" (Isaiah 51:6). Long before Jesus' day, Isaiah wrote of "the new heavens and the new earth" (Isaiah 66:22; compare 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1).
7.4 The Ultimate Dissolution
John writes simply, "The first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea" (Revelation 21:1). But Peter describes the overwhelming catastrophe in graphic detail.
7.4.1 The Great Noise
A mighty volume of sound will accompany this climactic event (2 Peter 3:10).
7.4.2 The Melting of the Elements
Fervent heat will cause the dissolution of ingredients which cause nature to cohere. The result will be that "all these things shall be dissolved." To quote Walter Scott from his book Exposition of The Revelation: "This dissolution, not annihilation, is effected by fire (2 Peter 3:10)...Our planet will be put in the crucible, altered, changed, and made new, to abide forever."
7.4.3 A Pertinent Suggestion
Perhaps the atomic age is preparing the way for precisely the scene Peter so graphically portrays (2 Peter 3:10-14).